Site: 46th Street between 1st and 2nd avenue, New York
The site is adjacent to the United Nations Building and is currently a park used for protests.
Taking into consideration the failure of the existing UN. The existing UN building was conceived as a public building. Today due to the unstable political circumstances it does no longer allow the public to be present in a discussion. It is privatized now, however it should have been more open to the community.
The proposal is a modern Pnyx Hill. A place where people are going to discuss about politics, in community scale but also in a larger scale. The Project is composed from two buildings that intertwine. One building is for the United Nations and is a more private space. The other building which is more loose is a l andscape for the community. At this l andscape protests get organised and public discussions. Since the UN building is closely adjacent to this public l andscape it becomes more aware of the certain public issues and discontents.
These two buildings are compressed into one. One experiences one through the other. Pieces of one are scattered in spaces of the other. The proposal consists of the following zones
The Form also gets political .The building is a sequence of sectional experiences that express words that relate to discussion. Words as transparency, Indirect Speech, Exchange of Ideas, Disagreement, Resolution, Put on the spot, Unresolved conflict, Initiate-Violate.
The goal of the building is to attract the interest of the people passing by to be politically involved in global matters. It is a publicized display of international governing discussions through public interaction. There are two separate circulation paths. One for the UN and one for the Public Landscape. The public l andscape unveils the UN and allows certain views.